TC++PL exercise solutions

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  • Create Date June 17, 2016
  • Last Updated August 18, 2016

TC++PL exercise solutions

This is a collection of personal solutions to many of the exercises proposed by Bjarne Stroustrup in his well-known book about C++ "The C++ Programming Language" (3rd Edition). The covered topics vary from some basic concepts about the language itself to some advanced use of the STL: algorithms, I/O library, containers, etc..
All the source code is compliant with the C++98/03 standard, but in some cases I also provided alternative solutions in C++11.

To make the compilation process easier and portable across different platforms, I have used NetBeans as IDE, so each directory in the archive also represents a project in NetBeans. NetBeans can be downloaded at

The source code in the archive may also be browsed at:

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